
The Losses Keep Mounting
Watch the losses climb from 2017 to now! $8.4 billion a year was lost from 2017 through 2020 and $10 billion a year from 2021.
- National Study Shows $8.4 billion in Losses Due to Fraud
- How States Can Confront Misclassification and Fraud
- Survey: Voters Want More Enforcement
- State AGs Can Protect Labor Standards
- Use of State and Local Laws to Enforce Labor Standards in Immigrant-Dense Occupations
- New Report Shows More State AG Enforcement
- Misclassification and the ABC Test
- US Civil Rights Committee Warns of Wage Theft and Labor Trafficking in Construction
- Poll: Voters say upper-tier contractors should pay
- National Study Shows $8.4 billion in Losses Due to Fraud
- Public Cost of Construction Worker Abuse
- DHS to Offer Protection to Exploited Immigrant Workers
- How Local Governments Can Protect Worker Rights
- Workers’ Comp Premium Fraud at $25 Billion
- National & State Reports on Construction Families on Public Assistance
- Misclass Costs Construction Workers $10-17K a Year
- Local Worker Protections Updated 2023
- Unpaid federal taxes 2021 at $688B
- New Report on Work Comp Fraud
- FTC Commissioner Focuses on Misclassification
- US Treasury Cites Construction for Tax & Workers’ Comp Premium Fraud
- UBC Presentation to NAIC on Work Comp Premium Fraud
- UBC to NCOIL on Work Comp Premium Fraud
- Sinking Underground: The Growing Informal Economy in California Construction
- Public Cost for Low Wage, Low Road Construction Jobs
- Fraud in Workers’ Compensation Payroll Reporting: How Much Employer Fraud Exists and How are Honest Employers Impacted?
- The Underground Construction Economy in Ontario
- Statistics Canada, The Underground Economy 2016
- The Underground Economy in Canada, 1992- 2011
- Underground Economy in British Columbia
District of Columbia
Economic Policy Institute
- Economic Costs of Employee Misclassification in Illinois
- New Report: Impact of Fraud in IL, MN & WI
- Public Cost of Construction Worker Abuse in IL
- UMASS Study Shows Wage Theft is Rampant in Massachusetts Residential Construction Industry
- Crooked Residential Contractors Cost MA $82 million
- Social and Economic Cost of Misclassification in Construction Industry
- The Public Cost of Construction Worker Abuse in Michigan
- Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contractors (Office of Legislative Auditor, 11-07)
- New Report: Impact of Fraud in IL, MN & WI
New Hampshire
New Jersey
- Task Force Report 2019
- The Underground Construction Economy is New Jersey
- The Public Cost of Construction Worker Abuse in New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
- Grand Jury Report: Workers Compensation Premium Fraud and Avoidance in the New York City Construction Industry
- Testimony of Colleen C. Gardner, Commissioner of the New York State Department of Labor Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, June 17, 2010
- NY DAs learn tactics against wage theft
- The Public Cost of Construction Worker Abuse in New York
Rhode Island
U.S. Government Accountability Office
- Employment Arrangements Improved Outreach Needed for Proper Classification
- Report: Improved Coordination, Outreach, and Targeting Could Better Ensure Detection and Prevention
- Tax Gap: IRS Could Do More to Promote Compliance by Third Parties with Miscellaneous Income Reporting Requirements
- Testimony: Issues in Classifying Workers as Employees or Independent Contractors
U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
- Focus needed to Address Egregious Employment Tax Crimes
- Report: Employers Do Not Always Follow IRS Worker Determination Rulings